Is it possible to build
a creative corporate culture?
What makes us say we want to be creative but, in reality, act the opposite? What makes it so easy to say that we encourage new thinking but behave and reward the opposite? What kind of culture do we build that makes it so difficult?
Is it possible to build a creative corporate culture?
What makes us say we want to be creative but, in reality, act the opposite? What makes it so easy to say that we encourage new thinking but behave and reward the opposite? What kind of culture do we build that makes it so difficult?
Is it possible to build a creative corporate culture?
What makes us say we want to be creative but, in reality, act the opposite? What makes it so easy to say that we encourage new thinking but behave and reward the opposite? What kind of culture do we build that makes it so difficult?
Many companies say they encourage employee initiatives – both large global giants and smaller, owner-led companies. You say you appreciate mistakes; some even communicate they want more mistakes – because it is from the mistakes that you learn and evolve.
But does anyone really believe that? In most cases, probably not. We listen to the fluffy words – but would I try something crazy on my own? No, it won’t happen! And during work hours – when I’m expected to be productive and deliver results? Absolutely not – that will come back and hit me later.
Fear controls our decisions
The fear of being wrong or making mistakes is deep. It is entirely understandable and human. We hate to be diminished and feel that we are not good enough. But that holds us back because it prevents us from taking risks required to develop ourselves and our companies.
Detail control vs. Innovation, 10-0
Companies have systems, processes and routines that are good for creating an efficient, productive operation and business. This is good, and it is vital to create healthy companies that are viable. But, at the same time, it suppresses our thinking and limits the room to maneuver and develop new ideas. So what does it take to create an innovative organization?
The mistake we make is to have the wrong expectations. We want creative freedom, but at the same time, companies have to deliver – to customers, owners and to be a healthy workplace. If we believe that we should create a workplace that gives everyone the chance to work entirely freely according to each person’s idea, we do not have reasonable expectations.
Not even companies that try hard to stimulate creativity can let it happen entirely freely – but to not stimulate a creative culture at all makes companies lose momentum and risk suffering in the longer term. And, yes, it is possible to build a creative corporate culture.
What obstacles to real creativity do you see in your organization?
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