The Elephant / Expedition
Gain a competitive advantage with a distinguishing Communication Concept.
The Elephant / Expedition
Gain a competitive advantage with a distinguishing Communication Concept.
Ideas. Concept. Strategy. Execution.
The 4 elements for a strong Communication Concept.
Ideas. Great ideas make your brand stand out.
What’s an idea? A good marketing communications idea is something that differs from the competition. It can be loud, whispering, cheery, fun, bold, or braggy – something that grabs the attention and helps get the message out.
Not all ideas are good for the brand. Even if they grab the attention, they can lead to the wrong path for the brand, which leads us to Concepts.
Successful ideas involve the viewers’ participation. You want to fill in your part to get a reward. The beauty is not to tell the whole story but enough to let the viewer fill in the gap to complete “the circle”. Eureka – the idea lands in the viewers mind!
Concept. The foundation of your brand.
A marketing communications concept is based on an idea. But that idea is carefully chiselled from an understanding of the brand; what is the core of the brand, what’s the ideal brand positioning, and how do we want to be perceived? That’s the foundation of a strong communications concept – a tool for consistent long-term communication.
To evaluate if it is a great concept, it also needs to be channel-independent and repeatable.
Channel-independent means that it works in all channels; social media, video, online advertising, websites, newsletters, trade shows, radio, tv, etc. Wherever you meet the audience, they will get a consistent brand experience – in every single contact with the brand or brand representatives. Internally and externally.
Repeatable means that it is not static. You can tweak it over time to keep it relevant and interesting.
The overall aim is to create a solid foundation for the brand, an asset that competitors can’t claim, that gives a unique, strong voice in the market.
Strategy. The future map of the brand.
The marketing communications strategy lives in symbiosis with the concept. They must enhance each other. The Strategy is the map of where the brand is heading. From where do we start? What’s our heritage? Where do we want to go? What gives us a competitive advantage? Who are our primary target groups? What is the timeline?
Edenvik has a solid process, The Elephant Expedition, that has proven for 20 years+ to create a competitive advantage to well-known brands. But a strategy has no value if the Execution fails.
If you are curious why an Elephant, read the poem >>
Execution. Poor Execution makes Strategy pointless.
The path to success lies in the ability to execute what has been decided. And it’s crucial to execute it in the right way. Ideas and concepts must make the target audience react and act in line with the strategy.
Execution – on time
Our internal motto is “Details Matter.” This means that we must be meticulous in what we do because if we cut corners, it will come back to haunt us. And to make it more complicated, we must know which details are essential. Otherwise, there’s a risk that we get stuck and never finish. There’s also an optimal time for executing campaigns and activities that we must adhere to. Therefore, time is a crucial component in the execution. Completing tasks on time and delivering on time.
Ideas. Concept. Strategy. Execution.
The 4 elements for a strong Communication Concept.
Ideas. Great ideas make your brand stand out.
What’s an idea? A good marketing communications idea is something that differs from the competition. It can be loud, whispering, cheery, fun, bold, or braggy – something that grabs the attention and helps get the message out.
Not all ideas are good for the brand. Even if they grab the attention, they can lead to the wrong path for the brand, which leads us to Concepts.
Successful ideas involve the viewers’ participation. You want to fill in your part to get a reward. The beauty is not to tell the whole story but enough to let the viewer fill in the gap to complete “the circle”. Eureka – the idea lands in the viewers mind!
Concept. The foundation of your brand.
A marketing communications concept is based on an idea. But that idea is carefully chiselled from an understanding of the brand; what is the core of the brand, what’s the ideal brand positioning, and how do we want to be perceived? That’s the foundation of a strong communications concept – a tool for consistent long-term communication.
To evaluate if it is a great concept, it also needs to be channel-independent and repeatable.
Channel-independent means that it works in all channels; social media, video, online advertising, websites, newsletters, trade shows, radio, tv, etc. Wherever you meet the audience, they will get a consistent brand experience – in every single contact with the brand or brand representatives. Internally and externally.
Repeatable means that it is not static. You can tweak it over time to keep it relevant and interesting.
The overall aim is to create a solid foundation for the brand, an asset that competitors can’t claim, that gives a unique, strong voice in the market.
Strategy. The future map of the brand.
The marketing communications strategy lives in symbiosis with the concept. They must enhance each other. The Strategy is the map of where the brand is heading. From where do we start? What’s our heritage? Where do we want to go? What gives us a competitive advantage? Who are our primary target groups? What is the timeline?
Edenvik has a solid process, The Elephant Expedition, that has proven for 20 years+ to create a competitive advantage to well-known brands. But a strategy has no value if the Execution fails.
If you are curious why an Elephant, read the poem >>
Execution. Poor Execution makes Strategy pointless.
The path to success lies in the ability to execute what has been decided. And it’s crucial to execute it in the right way. Ideas and concepts must make the target audience react and act in line with the strategy.
Execution – on time
Our internal motto is “Details Matter.” This means that we must be meticulous in what we do because if we cut corners, it will come back to haunt us. And to make it more complicated, we must know which details are essential. Otherwise, there’s a risk that we get stuck and never finish. There’s also an optimal time for executing campaigns and activities that we must adhere to. Therefore, time is a crucial component in the execution. Completing tasks on time and delivering on time.
Strong brands are more profitable.
The foundation of strong brands is spelled Trust.
By acting consistently in your marketing, you build trust with your target group.
We help companies gain a competitive advantage by creating long-term robust brand concepts that clearly represent their brand—whether on social media, their website, in campaigns, at fairs, or internally in the organization. Increased trust in the brand leads to increased sales profitability. Do you want to know if we can help you?
Contact us; we will be happy to tell you more about how we work to create trust in your brand.
Welcome to Edenvik.
Strong brands are more profitable.
The foundation of strong brands is spelled Trust.
By acting consistently in your marketing, you build trust with your target group.
We help companies become more profitable by creating long-term robust brand concepts that give a clear image of your brand – regardless of whether it is on social media, your website, in campaigns, at fairs, or internally in the organization. Increased trust in the brand leads to increased profitability in sales. Do you want to know if we can help you?
Contact us; we will be happy to tell you more about how we work to create trust in your brand.
Welcome to Edenvik.
Our offer.
Strategic support
Based on the company’s strategy and business plan, we identify areas where distinct communication can help to effect change and achieve faster growth. We are often used to provide support to management by contributing a communication perspective.
A strong Communication Concept
A distinguishing Communication Concept at the center promotes greater efficiency and clarifies what is in line with the strategy. Fine-tuning the concept over time, while still maintaining its core, provides a long-term accumulated effect and an intangible asset that competitors cannot copy.
We are a full-service agency
We daily handle a variety of inquiries and topics. The key is to reach your audience with great brand experiences – wherever they are.