Part 3/3 Own your Communication Concept; it’s an invaluable asset. Now we have reached the third and final part of “The Cookbook on How to Position a Brand to Make it Tastier*,” and it’s time to get the recipe for the base of the cake – the Communication Concept. If...
Part 2/3 Set the tone with a great name. We all know the names of our mobile phones, our soft drink favourites, our preferred coffee brand, or our trusted grocery store. But if you think of them individually, why do you remember them? Could Apple have started as Pear?...
Part 1/3 The Idea of Positioning. The term Positioning has been the foundation of the advertising industry for a long time — I would say it started in the 1950s and 60s. It was brought to a broader audience in the early 80s when Jack Trout and Al Ries launched the...
The best Brand Strategy requires the best answers. But, how do you get good answers? By asking good questions. The best Brand Strategy requires the best answers. But, how do you get good answers? By asking good questions. It may seem obvious: good answers come from...
Conceptual Commercial Art:The Mad Men way to the future. The advertising industry emerged when newspapers established ad departments to make money by selling ad space. This eventually evolved into advertising agencies. Their main task was to fill ad spaces with...