Do you believe in concepts?
Three reasons why I do.Many business leaders view marketing communications as a “lipstick” that is needed but not crucial. Others believe it can be an essential tool to achieve business goals, but find it challenging to be consistent over time. It is easy to get caught up in other issues, and then you have to start all over again.
Do you believe in concepts?
Three reasons why I do.Do you believe in concepts?
Three reasons why I do.Many business leaders view marketing communications as a “lipstick” that is needed but not crucial. Others believe it can be an essential tool to achieve business goals, but find it challenging to be consistent over time. It is easy to get caught up in other issues, and then you have to start all over again.
Many business leaders view marketing communications as a “lipstick” that is needed but not crucial. Others believe it can be an essential tool to achieve business goals, but find it challenging to be consistent over time. It is easy to get caught up in other issues, and then you have to start all over again.
Marketing seldom makes it to the C-Suite. Investor relations, yes. But Marketing Communications – rarely. In a way, it is easy to understand why. When marketing communication is considered a lipstick, and can’t prove the value it adds, it is easily interchangeable. Even if it costs money, it doesn’t affect the main business. Let’s just buy a new color if we’re tired of it!
But how come the most successful companies have a strong core in vision, mission, and values that helps to keep focus on what distinguishes them from their competitors? Is that random or intentional? I believe they realize that it is a non-copyable asset that is unique – and priceless.
What is a Communications Concept?
A communications concept can build a stronger company – both in the competition and internally – a way to formulate the company’s inner core. It needs to be built on a solid foundation of the vision, mission, and values and explain in a clear, thoughtful way why the brand is relevant and what it adds to society. A cornerstone that reflects every touchpoint of the brand.
A distinguishing communications concept makes life easier and adds real value to the company. We can always check our current messages and don’t need to hesitate; if they are aligned to our communications, then we are good. If not, we need to rethink.
A good communications concept is multiplicable and channel-independent. It means that the story can be communicated again and again. Fine-tuning the concept over time while still staying faithful to the core provides a long-term accumulated effect and an intangible asset that competitors cannot copy. You must also be channel-independent; able to tell the story in any marketing channel, whether online or in a physical meeting. The concept is the same, adapted to the circumstances.
Three advantages with a strong, distinguishing concept
Based on the company’s strategy and business plan, we identify areas where a communication concept can help effect change and achieve faster growth. A distinguishing communications concept at the center promotes greater efficiency and clarifies what is in line with the strategy. It is based on three insights:
- Understanding the company’s goals. What do you want to achieve, and which of these goals can communication help to influence?
- Knowing to whom you are talking. What does the target audience look like? Who makes the decisions, and who are the influencers?
- An understanding of conditions in the industry and the state of the market is essential to know how to communicate best.
A Communications concept makes it is easier to create a “tone” for the business, where all individual contacts – from reception to sales, campaigns and events – harmonize. It contributes to aligning the organization and making the brand more likable to the market on its own merits – and it becomes an important asset that should be a part of the C-suite.
What are your thoughts on concepts? Do they add value to your business?
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